Thursday, October 3, 2013

Quick Update

Hi Guys,
Thanks for your presentations.

What's In This Blogpost
• A note about teams and team responsibilities.
• A note on your teams next task: a meeting with me.
• A note on our scheduled coffee meetings at Colloquium (see image, below): Next Tuesday 8th and Tuesday the 15th. I believe we will meet outside, behind the main entrance, between the Colloquium building and the Bagel-place multi-story building behind it.

I will post an additional short blog post with: some additional reading assignments that WILL be posted by tomorrow noon.  They will not be posted today, however.  Lucky for you.  Less reading tonight. Some will be for individual students who can read Spanish or French.  Some are for specific teams.  You'll be responsible for reporting to the rest of your team about these semi-individualized readings.

Comment on Teamwork: Important
Meanwhile, I appreciate all the work that went into your presentations. Please note that it is the entire group's responsibility to insure that everyone is there.  If someone is sick, suffering from too many examinations, unable to pull their load, having major relationship issues, minor flu, or just a temporary hot mess, the team's job is to (1) be compassionate (2) identify this issue and (3) work on this problem early,  That way,  it does not sneak up on you in the presentation.  

I do not lay blame on absent people or anyone else.  It is the well being of the team that is at risk when the whole team does not take care of the whole team.   Sometimes, unexpected things happen.  Teams should always have a plan-B.  I say this because I have been both the person who was unable to help my team (yes, believe me, and it feels horrid) and I've been on the team where you have to help out someone else by filling in blanks for them.  These are team projects.  Team does not mean individual.  You fill in the blanks by never putting your team's problems up front when you present.  Be a good presentation: don't start out saying what is wrong with your presentation (the audience will make that judgement for you).

One way to fill in for a missing team member  is to (almost) never  say "oh, someone is not here."  Just pick up and move forward.  You can always say, "as a team, we are still working on one key element of our presentation, but  here's what we have so far.  We know this is somewhat preliminary but there is good material here. . . etc. "  Effective team analysis means that you are constantly in some kind of communication: even a small bit of information from an otherwise over-taxed team member can be useful.  

Teams are difficult.  I know.  I wrote a book about it.  Its called "Doing Team Ethnography: Warnings and Advice" with Don Stull.    Its not a long book, and I hate making students buy books the profi has written, so I don't do that.  But just know that teams are tricky, and much of the work of doing team work is not the substantive work but the work of making the team bond.  Has your team eaten together?  Have you had an adult beverage together or coffee or something?  If not, you are not quite yet a team.  Teams require scheduled team time, and they can take many forms: they don't need a chairman or a leader, but that can be one form of team. They do need some sense of who is responsible for what, and it is great if the team or one of its members takes on the "producer" role, and is the glue that holds people and tasks together.  To do this well you don't have to be barking orders or pretending to be a CEO. You just need a producer. 

When your teams meet as a group in my office, at a time convenient to you, I'll spend half my time consulting with you about this very issue.  It is critical not only in International Marketing but in all aspects of business.  (Believe me, I preach what I need to hear in this department). 

Your Meeting With Me
My role in the meeting is to be a coach and consultant.  I will help you find resources for your next project.  You will help me build a marketing plan outline for all to use.  And I will take the first 15 minutes to talk about how to run an effective team.  You can expect to leave the meeting with a more clear sense of what your next presentation may be like, and what resources to use, and how to work as a team to build your expert knowledge in your country.

Your job is to find a time when your WHOLE team can meet with me.  If someone is sick, well, reality bites, but it is the team's job to find a time for everyone. I can meet as early as 8:00 am, and after 5 is okay Mon through Thursday.  Weekends, however, are not for this.

Where Class Will Meet Next, and The Midterm
Tuesday 8 Oct, Colloquium, 8:30am sharp.
Thursday 10 Oct, Classroom, 5th Floor, as usual
Tuesday 15 Oct, Colloquium, 8:30am sharp.
Thursday 17 Oct is your BREAK
Tuesday 22 Oct, Midterm preparation (you and I work together on the questions)
Thursday 24 is the Midterm. It will take you 30 minutes to complete. We will review (and introduce information that will appear on up to 5 questions, so don't be late).  This will be a 50 question multi-choice test.  You'll need a scantron form.

Anyone needing special testing accommodation should have registered with the student disability office  There is no make up for a missed Mid-Term. No exceptions.

I will update the syllabus next week, to get us caught up on readings (and that means, some careful editing of just what you are responsible for reading). 



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