Meanwhile, if you already are comfortable with part I and II, take a loot at Desjeux and Zheng. (The article is on the list of downloads to the right: and its not very long!)
I may remove about five to seven questions, and put in five to seven new ones.
Review and question bank for Thursday Mid Term Examination

Since some of the questions in the question bank may be revised (and some new "false" choices may be inserted), don't memorize answers, understand concepts. I'll limit the use of "all of the above" or "none of the above" answers.
Find the parts of the book or your lecture notes that refer to the question. Study those.
There are two segments that you need to read to respond to reading questions that are NOT on in the question bank.
Please read de Mooij Ch 4, especially 113-114; 130-133; and 143-148.
Please read Keegan (related to the de Mooij content: its about positioning) 277-288.
Please take a look at the Desjeux and Zheng article (there are maybe three or four questions in the question bank about this article, and I think the contrasts between studying PRACTICES versus "motivations" or other psychological categories) is an interesting and important departure from usual marketing research practice. Please try to understand what Desjeux and Zheng are doing. Its a translation and the style of writing is different than what you are used to. Try to get the main idea, and consider how it is different from the approach used by de Mooij. There will be a question or two that contrasts these two approaches–that is, contrasting de Mooij and Desjeux.
The question bank is being posted in segments, here.
These PDF files show suggested correct answers. I reserve the right to edit or slightly modify some of these questions. All the questions you suggested are found here, in addition to a packet of new ones.
Look on the right for "MidTermQsPart1, Part2, Part3, etc.
Midterm Question Bank PDF files include:
Part 1: Krupps, Miller (Trinidad Article), Miller (Global Jeans)
Part 2: Lexicon, in-class presentations, Adithi Metta (Day in the Life inIndia)
Part 3: Jeopardy Quizz questions (revised a bit)
Part 4: di Mooij, a few more Jeopardy Quiz Items (remember: its HERE), and some class discussion points.
Part 5: some new questions, some more class discussion, and more Keegan
Please check back here for updates and details, as I'll be updating and adding to this page this evening and a little bit on Wednesday.
And, on Wednesday, more details about your upcoming presentations. For now, just know that you need to talk to a real resident (or former resident) or your town (or at least, near your town! Get on Facebook!)
The Questions Not in the List are Taken From This Reading: (and yes these will be multiple choice questions).
de Mooij Chapter 4, (especially pp 113-114, 130-133, 143-148)
1 question on self-concept and branding
1 question on body and identity
1 questions on sex and love related attitudes
1 question on "lifestyle
Keegan 277-288 (up to New Products in Global marketing).
Although there are ALREADY a couple of questions about Desjeux and Zheng in the question bank, please take a glance at the Desjeux and Zheng article: a couple NEW questions will ask you to compare/contrast the approach by Desjeux and Zhen versus the approach taken by de Mooij (as seen in her Chapter 4).
Note: we'll MAYBE read a four page case during the quiz, and I'll ask three or four questions about it. The case is here, "Panasonic Listens in China". Give it a pre-read.
There will also MAYBE be a short video that will be followed by four questions. The 50 questions after that should be a snap.
PS: Hat-tip to J. Morris for helping me correct a badly worded answer in Part 2 (its landowners, not farmers, on that question).
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